Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What have you done for poetry lately?

Thanks to my friend, Bryan, I have picked up the challenge of trying to be more visible as a poet in the past few months. Here would be some of the actions taken:
- became a Mad Poet, see

- joined the Asian American Poetry web site, see

-performed at the first monthly Camden Cafe Artistic Nights, in Nov. and Dec. 2006

-got published in To Sing Along The Way: MN Women Poets from Pre-Territorial Days to Present (wait, that was two years ago, but just came out!)

- and of course, started this blog!

And the best is yet to come! :)


heather said...

pacyinz - you are brave, talented, and inspiring - and i'm glad you are getting yourself and your work out there !! :)

pacyinz said...

Hi Heather, you found my blog! Alright! Thanks for the praises and encouragements!

pacyinz said...
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